Pink & Purple Mix Bouquet
Pink & Purple Mix Bouquet
This beautiful bouquet is a feminine mix of pinks & purples of all shades, working together to create a stunning arrangement, ideal for any occasion.
The bouquet includes: Stargazer Lilies, Roses, Germini, Eustoma (Lisianthus), Anthurium, Dianthus (Carnations), Liatris (Blazing Star), Bloom Chrysanthemums and mixed seasonal foliage.
The bouquet shown is £50.00 (Large)
Also available as £30.00 (small), £40.00 (Medium), £60.00 (XLarge) and £70.00 (Luxury).
If you would like a value higher than those listed above then please use the quantity button to create the value you wish to spend and simply state this in the ‘Side Note for Florist‘ section. Or alternatively please call us 028 90 601616 or email
BT9 & BT10- £3.95
BT11, BT12 & BT17- £4.95
BT7 & BT8- £4.95
Lisburn BT27 & BT28 (excluding Ballinderry & Crumlin)- £5.95
BT1-BT6- £5.95
BT13-BT16- £6.95
You will be given the opportunity to select your delivery area at the checkout- if you need your bouquet delivered to an address not in any of the areas listed above, please contact us before placing your order.
PLEASE NOTE: We always strive to include the freshest most vibrant seasonal blooms, so on occasion subject to availability, it may be necessary to substitute similar blooms to an equal or greater value to maintain our standards of excellence.